ISSN: 2155-9570
All-Russian Association of Manual Medicine, Moscow, Russia
Research Article
Thermal Stimulation Neurophysiology of Pressure Phosphenes
Author(s): Alexander Kholmanskiy*, Elena Konyukhova and Andrey Minakhin
Synesthesia of vision and somatosensory is based on physiology of interconnection of neurons in different nuclei of thalamus
or areas of cerebral cortex. Work studied effect on the intensity of Pressure Phosphenes (PP) of various methods of heating
eyes and hands, as well as manual influence on cervical spine. Along with subjective assessments of the PP intensity, EEG and
ECG were used for chronometry of bioelectrical activity of brain and heart. From analysis of frequency and amplitude spectra
of EEG, it was concluded that mechanism of PP generation is dominated by processes of redistribution and recombination
of charges in retinal and LGB layers. Stimulation of PP by heating hands was associated with convergence of LGB neurons
and neurons of thalamus nuclei, which are responsible for thermoreception and are adjacent to LGB. Enhancement of effect
of PP stimulatio.. View More»