ISSN: 2593-9173
Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, Bonga, Ethiopia
Research Article
Current Status, Opportunities and Constraints of Cassava Production in
Ethiopia- A Review
Author(s): Ashebir Seyoum Feyisa
The objective of this current paper was to review the current status, major opportunities and constraints in production and utilization of cassava in Ethiopia. Cassava is one of the most important food crops that serve major sources of carbohydrate. Despite its significant importance to attain food security in drought prone region of the country, production and utilization of cassava in Ethiopia has different opportunities and constraints. Several constraints are responsible for this among which poor access to improved cultivars, diseases and pest problems, improved processing methods; post-harvest losses and agricultural policy which only focused on cereals are the major ones. But nowadays climate change threatened the production and productivity of major cereals crops in the nation, so it is important to focus on climate resilient food security crops like cassava. They are well adap.. View More»