Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research

Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0983

Atinafu Regasa

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Samara University College of Veterinary Medicine, Semera, Ethiopia

  • Research Article   
    Prevalence of Bovine Fasciolosis and Its Economical Loss Due to Liver Condemnation at Bishoftu Municipal Abattior, Ethiopia
    Author(s): Atinafu Regasa* and Girma Chalchisa

    Fasciolosis is a major parasitic disease that constraints the livestock production and cause great economic loss due to liver condemnation caused by fasciolosis in abattoirs. A cross sectional study was conducted from March, 2022 to August, 2022 to determine the prevalence of liver fluke of cattle which were presented for slaughtered at Bishoftu municipal abattoir and to assess the direct economic loss due to liver condemnation caused by fasciolosis at this abattoirs. The study was based on post-mortem inspection of livers of slaughtered animals at Bishoftu municipal abattoirs. Out of 384 examined cattle livers, 85 (22.1%) were found to be positive for fasciolosis. From of the total 85 (22.1%) fasciola positive liver, the prevalence of Fasciola hepatica was 15.88% and Fasciola gigantica was 6.25%. However, the difference was not statically significant (P>0.05). Th.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2161-0983.23.12.316

    Abstract HTML PDF
