Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research

Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2593-9173

Babita Joshi

Department of Plant Physiology, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G.B.P.U.A. & T. Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar (263145), Uttarakhand, India

  • Research Paper   
    Management of Isoproturon-Resistant Phalaris minor in Wheat by Alternate Herbicides under Tarai Region Conditions
    Author(s): Prinsa*, Hem C. Joshi, Babita Joshi and S.K. Guru

    Phalaris minor Retz. is a major weed of wheat crop across many continents. It is highly competitive in nature and mimics the wheat morphology. Consideration is given to the eradication of isoproturon resistance Phalaris minor and management approaches designated to minimize the impact of resistance. For management of isoproturon-resistant Phalaris minor in wheat crop in the tarai region by alternate herbicides, a field experiment was carried out during the winter season of 2016-17 and 2017-18. The broadcasting of isoproturon resistant Phalaris minor seeds was done before sowing of wheat in field. Treatments included (T1) Pendimethalin @ 750 g a.i./ha, (T2) Pendimethalin+Metribuzin @ 750+210 g a.i./ha, (T3) Pendimethalin+Metribuzin fb mesosulfuron+Idosulfuron (RM) @ 750+210 fb 12+2.4 g a.i./ha, (T4) Pendimethalin+Metribuzin fb ‘Clodinafop+Metsulfuron-methyl’(RM) @ 750+210 f.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2593-9173.19.10.263

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