Translational Medicine

Translational Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1025

Benjamin Schapira

Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, University College London, University College London, UK


Benjamin Schapira graduated from UCL in 2020 with an MBBS and BSc in medical sciences. He is a young researcher working with a team of surgeons at the Whittington Hospital lead by Mr Hassan Mukhtar. Hasan Mukhtar completed his MBBS in 1989 at Punjab University, Pakistan followed by advanced surgical training at Oxford Deanery and West from where he was appointed as consultant colorectal and general surgeon at the Whittington Hospital in 2001. 

  • Short Communication   
    Euro Case Reports 2020: Necrotizing enterocolitis in a patient post Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass - Benjamin Schapira - University College London
    Author(s): Benjamin Schapira

    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) carries one of the highest mortality rates of all gastrointestinal disorders. Both its pathogenesis and aetiology remain enigmatic in adult patients. We report on the first known case of NEC following Roux-enY Gastric Bypass (RYGB) long-term. A 42-year-old female patient (BMI 51.2) underwent RYGB. At 12 months follow-up she presented with diarrhoea, vomiting, tachypnoea and hypotension. She was severely acidotic (pH 6.9), white cell count (24x109/L) and lactate (7.3U/L). CT presented dilated bowel most prominently at the upper jejunum and she subsequently underwent laparotomy for small-bowel resection, subtotal colectomy and end ileostomy. Intraoperative, patchy necrotic segments of colon were noted. Postoperatively, her lactate increased to 10U/L, necessitating relook laparotomy for further bowel resection. Caecal and ascending colon samples showed isc.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2161-1025.20.10.207

    Abstract HTML PDF
