Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

Berl Etensel

Department of Multimedia Mining and Search Group, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria

  • Commentary   
    Short Note on Mood Disorders
    Author(s): Berl Etensel*

    A mood disorder is a type of mental illness that affects a person's emotional state. It's a mental illness in which a person has protracted periods of excessive happiness, misery, or both. It's natural for someone's mood to shift based on the circumstances. Symptoms of a mood disorder, on the other hand, must be present for several weeks or more to be identified. Mood problems can alter their behavior and impair their capacity to cope with everyday tasks such as work or school. A mood disorder, also known as an affective disorder, is a medical illness that has a significant influence on one's mood and associated functions. Mood disorder is a wide term that encompasses all sorts of depressive and bipolar disorders, both of which have an impact on mood. The emotions may swing from exceedingly low (depressed) to highly high (irritable) if people have indications of a .. View More»
    DOI: DOI: 10.35248/2167-1044.22.11.477

    Abstract HTML PDF
