ISSN: 1948-5964
+44 1300 500008
Agricultural Extension and Family Health, Pawe Woreda Metekel Zone, Ethiopia
Birhanu Kebede works at Agricultural Extension and Family Health, Pawe Woreda Metekel Zone, Ethiopia. His area of research interests includes agriculture and family health. He published vatious articles on relevent areas.
Research Article
Time to First-Line Antiretroviral Treatment Failure and its Predictors for Seropositive Children Treated in Public Hospitals, North West Ethiopia 2021
Author(s): Fassikaw Kebede*, Birhanu Kebede, Tsehay Kebede and Mastewal Giza
The magnitudes of Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART) failure for adult people living with HIV (PLWH) were
exhaustively studied; however, time to treatment failure among seropositive children was overlooked, and this study
aimed to assess time to first-Line Antiretroviral treatment Failure for seropositive children.
Methods: Facility-based retrospective follow-up study was conducted since 1 January 2016-30 December 2020. EPI-
DATA version 3.2 and STATA/14 software were used for data entry and analysis, respectively. Proportional hazard
assumption was checked for each variable and no variable was found with Schoenfeld residual test <0.05. Categorical
variables at bi-variables Cox regression were assessed for candidates transferred at P-value <0.25 for multivariable
Cox regression to claiming predictors associated for TB incidence rate at 95%.. View More»