Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene

Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene
Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2059

+44 1478 350008

Channah Rock

Department of Environmental Science, University of Arizona, USA


Dr. Channah Rock is an Associate professor in the Department of Environmental Science, University of Arizona, USA.    His study interests major on nutrition and nutrition development . Dr. Channah Rock is the author/editors/reviewer in several international journals. He published 11articles in many journals and the articles are informative and got good citations.

  • Review Article   

    Author(s): Valerisa Joe-Gaddy*, Natalie Brassill, Dametreea Carr, Jean McLain and Channah Rock

    Pre harvest irrigation water represents a key potential source of pathogenic bacteria during the production of fresh produce. Industry guidance metrics uniformly identify generic Escherichia coli (E. coli) as a practical and cost?effective indicator of fecal contamination in water. Although generic E. coli satisfies most characteristics of an ideal bacterial indicator, very limited correlation exists between the presence of E. coli, pathogen presence, and microbial risk to consumers following consumption. The Food Safety Modernization Act’s Produce Safety Rule’s Microbial Water Quality Profile is under abeyance due to concerns that there is not enough scientific evidence to support the rule in its’ current form; thus, it is important to examine feasible alternative indicator organisms which could improve .. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2476-2059.21.6.148

    Abstract HTML PDF
