ISSN: 2167-1044
Departamento Psiquiatria, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Older Adults: A Joint Association Study of Candidate Genes
Author(s): Isabela Ferreira de Moraes*, Vanessa de Jesus Rodrigues de Paula, Clóvis Alexandrino-Silva, Helena Brentani, Homero Vallada, Geraldo Busatto and Thais Chile
Introduction: As the share of elderly in the population is increasing, so is the presence of depression and anxiety in
this group, including in Brazil. There are studies suggesting common pathophysiological mechanisms for depressive
and anxiety disorders, as well as the existence of vulnerability genes in the etiopathogenesis of both depression
and anxiety. The different candidate genes reported in the literature associated with depression and/or anxiety
phenotypes have rarely been investigated together in a single study.
Objective: To investigate candidate gene polymorphisms, reported as associated with a higher risk of developing
depression and/or anxiety symptoms in the literature, in an elderly population.
Methodology: Peripheral venous blood was collected from a total of 874 elderly people aged 60 y.. View More»