ISSN: 0974-276X
Department of General Medicine, University of Greifswald, Bad Lauterberg, Germany
HUMA: Superordinate Genetic Code
Author(s): Cordula Sachse-Seeboth*
In nature fractal patterns occur ubiquitously. This observation raises the question of how and whether fractal patterns are stored within the genetic code to determine the morphology of cells, organs and the general appearance, or whether an explanation can be deduced from previous knowledge alone [1]. • Palindromic sequences within DNA fulfil important biological functions. Palindromes and prime palindromes represent a special entity in mathematics. • The main thesis should not be confused with the concept of DNA computing. In this technology, the genetic material is used as a storage and processing medium. The entire internet would fit into just one shoe box. • Boolean calculations can be carried out on the basis of biomolecules such as DNA and RNA. • Solving complicated calculations is possible. It is a parallel computer. DNA computing is thus the biological com.. View More»