ISSN: 2165-7548
Department of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Romania, Romania
Research Article
Virtual Reality Practical Applications Utility in a Context of Field Hospital
Training Programs
Author(s): Emilia Turucz*, Sorana T. Truta, Erno Jerzicska, Cristian M. Boeriu, Janos Szederjesi and Leonard Azamfirei
Introduction: Training is a key element in ensuring quality patient care for emergency medical teams. Within the framework of the European Modular Field Hospital project, a prototype of a complex educational program was developed, which is aimed at preparing field hospital personnel for real missions.
Objectives: This is the first study to use virtual reality-based simulation exercises in this context. The goal was to assess these complex virtual simulation exercises in terms of their usefulness and applicability.
Methods: The program prototype was tested in a multinational multidisciplinary real educational environment as part of two pilot courses. The evaluation consisted of online questionnaires that separately addressed each educational activity. The course content, structure, and simulation exercises were continuo.. View More»