ISSN: 2167-0420
Department of Biomedical Science, Institute of Medicine and Health Sciences, Debre Berhan University,, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia
Research Article
Knowledge and Practice on Birth Preparedness, Complication Readiness among Pregnant Women Visiting Debreberhan Town Governmental Health Institutions, North-East Ethiopia
Author(s): Adisu Asefa*, Bekalu Getachew, Abebe Muche Belete and Daniel Molla
Background: Birth preparedness and complication readiness are important factors in the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality as well as infant morbidity and mortality. Objective: This study was intended to assess the level of knowledge and practice to birth preparedness, and complication readiness (BPCR) among pregnant women visiting Debreberhan town governmental health institutions. Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional study was carried out in Debreberhan Town Health Institutions from January 1 to 30, 2019. The sample size was 340 pregnant women, and one referral hospital and three health centers located in the town were included in the study. A systematic random sampling method was utilized. A structured questionnaire was utilized. The data were entered into EPI data manager version 3.3 and analyzed using IBM SPSS version 23. The statistical association was performe.. View More»