ISSN: 2329-9495
+44 1478 350008
Department of Neurology, Ignace Deen National Hospital, G74W +Q3C, 9th Blvd, Conakry, Guinea
Research Article
Interest of Streptokinase Thrombolysis in Pulmonary Embolism with High Risk of Mortality: Case of the Cardiology Department of the National Ignace Deen Teaching Hospital in Conakry
Author(s): Baldé Elhadj Yaya, Barry Ibrahima Sory, Camara Ousmane Mamadama*, Bah Abdoulaye, Keita Fatoumta Binta, Touré Abdoulaye, Tounkara Ibrahima Kalil, Kaba Abdoul Karim, Diallo souleymane M’Bara, Beavogui Mariame and Baldé Mamadou Dadhi
Pulmonary embolism is a potentially fatal and common complication of venous thromboembolism. Its serious form due to alteration of the hemodynamic state requires emergency treatment by thrombolysis. Through this study, we aim to evaluate the benefit of streptokinase thrombolysis in the management of pulmonary embolism with a high risk of mortality in the Cardiology department of the Ignace Deen national hospital in Conakry. We conducted a retrospective descriptive study over a period of 2 years (1 August, 2021 to 31 August, 2023) focusing on patients hospitalized for pulmonary embolism with severity criteria. The morbidity of pulmonary embolism with high mortality risk according to our study was 12.8%. The average age of our patients was 67 ± 34 years with a male predominance of 70%. The main clinical manifestations were chest pain (63.5%) and dyspnea (75%). All patients (100%).. View More»