ISSN: 2155-9899
Health Training Center (CFS) of Multiperfil Clinic, Luanda, Angola
Research Article
Sociodemographic Clinical and Blood Group (ABO/Rh) Profile of Angolan Individuals with HIV
Author(s): Euclides Nenga Manuel Sacomboio*, Edson Manuel Fragão Agostinho, Adelino Tchilanda Tchivango, Edson Kuatelela Cassinela, Silvana da Rocha Silveira, Mauricio da Costa, Cruz S. Sebastião and Eduardo Ekundi-Valentim
Introduction: Data from UNAIDS in 2021 pointed out that in Angola the number of individuals living with HIV is about 320,000. The system is the most exclusive group polymorphism is associated worldwide and has infected P.falciparum, P.vivax, Candida, H.pylori, HIV, V.B19, and Influenza Virus.
Objective: To evaluate the sociodemographic, clinical, and blood group profile among HIV patients in Luanda, the capital city of Angola.
Methodology: A descriptive, introspective, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was carried out with 130 patients from Luanda, in the second half of 2021.
Results: The 130 HIV patients included, the ORh+ group (46.9%) was the most predominant, followed by the BRh+ groups (25.4%) and ARh+ (.. View More»