ISSN: 1948-5964
+44 1300 500008
Unit of Epidemiology; School of Public Health, College of Health Science, Woldia University, Weldiya, Ethiopia
Research Article
Time to First-Line Antiretroviral Treatment Failure and its Predictors for Seropositive Children Treated in Public Hospitals, North West Ethiopia 2021
Author(s): Fassikaw Kebede*, Birhanu Kebede, Tsehay Kebede and Mastewal Giza
The magnitudes of Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART) failure for adult people living with HIV (PLWH) were
exhaustively studied; however, time to treatment failure among seropositive children was overlooked, and this study
aimed to assess time to first-Line Antiretroviral treatment Failure for seropositive children.
Methods: Facility-based retrospective follow-up study was conducted since 1 January 2016-30 December 2020. EPI-
DATA version 3.2 and STATA/14 software were used for data entry and analysis, respectively. Proportional hazard
assumption was checked for each variable and no variable was found with Schoenfeld residual test <0.05. Categorical
variables at bi-variables Cox regression were assessed for candidates transferred at P-value <0.25 for multivariable
Cox regression to claiming predictors associated for TB incidence rate at 95%.. View More»