Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Gabriela Acevedo Munares

Department of Ophthalmology, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, California, USA

  • Research Article   
    Improvement of Contrast Sensitivity in Adults with Amblyopia through Dichoptic Attention Task Training
    Author(s): Gabriela Acevedo Munares, Ismet Joan Uner and Chuan Hou*

    Aim: Attention deficits are revealed in amblyopic vision. It has been reported that selective visual attention is allocated preferentially toward the non-amblyopic fellow eye in adults with amblyopia. In this study, we examined whether training with dichoptic attention tasks, which is expected to improve selective visual attention to the amblyopic eye, improves contrast sensitivity in adults with amblyopia. Methods: We used training stimuli, which included tasks that required significant attentional efforts from the amblyopic eye. Through a mirror stereoscope, participants were instructed to quickly search and count highly visible targets presented in the amblyopic eye, while simultaneously being presented with distractors in the fellow eye. Thirteen adults with amblyopia (six anisometropic and seven strabismic) between 22 and 66 yea.. View More»
    DOI: : 10.35248/2155-9570.23.14.956

    Abstract HTML PDF
