ISSN: 2167-0420
Assistant professor of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, College of Health Science, Arsi University, Asella, Ethiopia
Gebi Husein Jima, He currently working as Assistant professor of MPH in Epidemiology at Arsi University, College of Health Sciences, Public Health. He has 10 publications on online global platform. His specialization and research interest includes, Women’s Health and Infection Disease, infectious disease surveillance, Transmitted diseases.
Research Article
Postpartum Family Planning Utilization and Associated Factors Among Women Who Gave Birth in the Last 12 Months Prior to the Study in Lode Hetosa District, South East Ethiopia
Author(s): Gebi Husein Jima* and Wagari Bekeshie Garbaba
Background: Postpartum family planning helps women to achieve the recommended birth interval before next pregnancy. In Ethiopia contraception use in postpartum period is only 8% while unmet need is 81% resulted in short birth interval, abortion, unplanned birth and miscarriage.
Objectives: To assess magnitude of postpartum family planning utilization and its associated factors among postpartum women who gave birth within one year prior to the study.
Methods: Community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Lode Hetosa district from July 20, 2018 to August 20, 2018. A random sample of 1162 postpartum women who gave birth within 12 months prior to study was recruited for the study. Structured and pretested questionnaire were utilized to collect the data. After entered to Epi info version 7, a cleaned data was a.. View More»