Journal of Horticulture

Journal of Horticulture
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-0354


Harun Odhiambo

Department of Marketing, Mount Kenya University Sacco Society, Kenya

  • Research Article   
    Characteristics of Smallscale Tomato Production across Four Counties of Kenya
    Author(s): Harun Odhiambo

    The use of certified tomato seed materials has potential for improving food security due to their vigour in growth, early maturity and high yields. The production of high quality, healthy seedlings require the correct choice of variety and standardized nursery agronomic procedures. Tomatoes have high economic significance thus optimum seedling development techniques should be disseminated to farmers for adoption. Since the crop exhibits lower rates of adaptation to the rapidly changing agroecology, its seedlings have drastically reduced yields and increased total production costs rendering farmers poor. Thus, there’s a need to equip farmers with Climate- smart procedures for sustainable production of clean seed materials for higher yields, income and improved livelihoods. Primary knowledge on the commonly adopted cultivation practices such as preferred varieties, production syst.. View More»

    Abstract PDF
