Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Hassan A. Awashi

Health Administration, Health Directorate Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Abstract   
    COVID-19 Pandemic and the Workforce Retention in Obstetrics/Gynecology: The Role of Hospital Administration
    Author(s): Liaqat Ali Khan*, Hassan A. Awashi, Ahmed M. Hagawi and Hassan Somaili

    The COVID-19 pandemic affects almost every domain of life in general and healthcare in specific, including the halting of elective services while keeping emergency care in place, including Obstetrics and gynecology services. Irrespective of the patient, confirmed or in the pre-clinical stage, the healthcare workers at each level are first-in-line to deal with COVID-19 patients, thus prone to the severe acute respiratory virus (SARS CoV-2) infection on one side to work fatigue on the other. Therefore, workforce retention in Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYNs) services is crucial to keep the workflow un-affected. It is the shared responsibility of both the healthcare worker (HCW) and administration at the facility and region to monitor the Ob/Gynae workforce and plan accordingly to keep the workflow uninterrupted... View More»

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