ISSN: 2329-9029
+44 1478 350008
Department of Pharmacy, Independent University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Jma Hannan is a Professor in the Department of Pharmacy at the Independent University of Bangladesh. His skills and expertise are mainly found in Insulin, Diabetes, and Hypertension. He had published 67 articles in many different journals and the articles are quite good and got good citations. He also worked on projects which are based on pharmacy and it gives immense information that how the medicinal plants are related to this.
Author(s): JMA Hannan, Prawej Ansari*, Hamid A. Bakshi, Masum Shahriar, Shofiul Azam, Hakkim L. Faruck and MSK Choudhuri
Anemia is common nutritional disorder and it affects one third of population around the globe. Assessing nutritional status of human is an inevitable process to lead a healthy life. Females are affected significantly by anemia compare to male. According to WHO report, developing herbs-based formulation to treat anemic patients is safe and less toxic. In this study a double-blind, cross group comparative clinical trial of Nabayas Louha (NBL) a Ayurvedic haematinic preparation with G-Iron Folic Acid (IFA) was undertaken on 66 female anemic volunteers with age between 20-30 years. It was seen that NBL after being administered at a daily dose of 500 mg for 30 days significantly increased the hemoglobin content of the treated volunteers. It produced an increase in serum iron content and decreases total iron binding capacity. The ESR level was also decreased. These effects of NBL were found.. View More»