ISSN: 2155-9570
Department of Ophthalmology, Sight Sciences, 4040 Campbell Avenue, Suite 100, Menlo Park, California, USA
According to LinkedIn Kavita Dhamdhere started working on 2001, then the employee has changed 8 companies and 10 jobs. On average, Kavita Dhamdhere works for one company for 1 year 10 months. Kavita Dhamdhere has been working as a Vice President Clinical Development for Sight Sciences, Inc. for 457 days. If you are interested in this candidate, contact him directly by using contact details provided by SignalHire.
Review Article
A Blink-Assisted, Cornea-Sparing Wearable Eyelid Device for the Effective
Penetration of Therapeutic Thermal Energy into the Meibomian Glands
for the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease
Author(s): Kavita Dhamdhere*
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is the leading cause of Dry Eye Disease (DED). In MGD, obstructed meibomian glands
result in reduced meibum secretion and a compromised tear lipid layer that causes tear film instability and an accelerated
evaporation of tears. This accelerated and excessive tear evaporation in turn leads to the signs and symptoms of DED.
Research has demonstrated that an elevated and sustained therapeutic temperature of at least 41°C at the tarsal conjunctiva
located at inner surface of the eyelid can liquefy hardened or thickened meibum and help clear gland obstructions in MGD.
By clearing the obstructions, restored meibomian glands can resume the production of meibum that can flow naturally out
of the glands and onto the tear surface thereby restoring a stable and healthy tear film lipid layer. Fortifying the lipid layer
by enhancing natura.. View More»