Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

Kylie Rice

School of Psychology, University of New England, Armidale, Australia


Dr. Kylie Rice is currently working as the Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Health established under School of Psychology affiliated to the University of New England located in Australian. She has authored several manuscripts in multiple journals.

  • Research   
    Structure, Validity and Cut-Off Scores for the APA Emerging Measure of DSM-5 Social Anxiety Disorder Severity Scale (SAD-D)
    Author(s): Kylie Rice*, Nicola S Schutte, Adam J Rock and Clara V Murray

    The APA emerging measure the Social Anxiety Disorder Severity Scale (SAD-D) is recognized as the only social anxiety scale that is based on the DSM-5 criteria. This scale also addresses the limitations of other social anxiety measures as it is dimensional, time efficient and assesses a broad range of symptoms. However, research in community samples is needed, and no research to date has investigated the use of the SAD-D in an Australian sample. As such, this study examined the factor structure and validity of the SAD-D in an Australian non-clinical sample (N=999), and provides criterion cut off scores. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the scale assesses a unidimensional construct of social anxiety severity. Post-hoc analyses also suggested that the 10-item SAD-D scale could be shortened to a six-item scale. Both the original SAD-D-10 scale and.. View More»

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