ISSN: 2167-0870
New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, USA
Research Article
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Mental Health Training for Law Enforcement Officers: Protocol for a Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Trial
Author(s): Michael T Compton*, Elisabeth Jackson, En Fu, Howard F Andrews, Ron Bruno, Erin Comartin, Hanga Galfalvy, Don Kamin, Leah G Pope, Eduardo Vega and Amy C Watson
Background: Although strategies to reduce police involvement in mental health crisis response are emerging, people with Serious Mental Illnesses (SMI) and/or those in crisis often encounter police during officers’ routine patrol duties. Officers need training to safely and effectively interact in these situations. The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model is a collaborative aaproach that includes a 40 h training of the officers who self-select and are screened to be CIT officers. CIT has been implemented in thousands of U.S. communities, but a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) has never been conducted to assess effectiveness of CIT training on officers’ skills and behaviors.
Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of CIT training on officers’ demonstrated skills and behaviors in three outcome areas: 1) Verbal cri.. View More»