ISSN: 2574-0407
Extended Abstract
Global Toxicology 2020: If atrazine has a potential to impair a function of bovine cervix during periovulation period of oestrous cycle, in vitro? Michal H Wrobel, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Poland
Author(s): Michal H. Wrobel
Atrazine, which belongs to triazine class of herbicides, remains a staple of the American and Indian agriculture, while is subjected to strict regulation that effectively prevents its use in Europe. It was previously shown that atrazine increased the secretion of ovarian oxytocin (OT), which is a potent uterotonic agent. However, atrazine directly inhibit the myometrial contractions in cows. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine its effect on the motoric function of bovine cervix.
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