Department of Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Immunology, University of Orleans, Sandillon, France
Michel Leclerc attempt to research lymphocytes also in Ophuirids at the level of the axial organ.On the other hand I try to study effects of the sea star IgKappa gene on human malignant cells. Since he was an independent researcher, he look for collaborators in the international network. A post of Research Director would be the welcome, in France or another country.
Short Communication
Does the Sea Star Discriminate Bence-Jones Protein from Rat IGG as Antigens?
Author(s): Michel Leclerc*
Immunocompetent cells were described in the sea star Asterina gibbosa: They recognize specifically various antigens as
HRP (Horse-radish peroxydase),Alkaline phosphatase, and trypsin. On the other hand when certain Asterina gibbosa
were immunized with Bence-Jones protein, other ones with Rat IGG: A crossed immune reaction occurs. The
potential sea star immune system is not broad enough to detect such antigens... View More»