ISSN: 2167-1044
California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University, USA, Japan
Dr. Mikako Moriyasu is currently serving at California School of Professional Psychology affiliated to Alliant International University loacted in USA. He has authored many publications and attended the conferences.
Assessing Social Anxiety in Japanese and Japanese-Americans in the United States
Author(s): Mikako Moriyasu* and Rhoda Olkin
A Social Anxiety Scale designed to assess culture-specific symptoms in Japanese clients was assessed for face validity data. Taijin-Kyofusho is a culture-bound syndrome specific to Japanese culture in the DSM-5. A Social Anxiety Scale (SAS) was designed by the first author from existing Western social anxiety scales and a Taijin-Kyofusho scale. A demographic form yielded information about culturally- knowledgeable clinician respondents, and a questionnaire was used to get feedback on the SAS. Responses were obtained from 27 mental health professionals who worked clinically with Japanese legal residents in the United States and Japanese Americans, regarding culturally appropriate social anxiety assessment. Participants perceived the SAS as comprehensive and applicable to Japanese residents and Japanese Americans. Regarding Taijin-Kyofusho, most agreed that it.. View More»