ISSN: 2167-1044
Department of Educational Foundation, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Dr. Eric CHIMA Ndukwu is currently working at the Department of Educational Foundation established under the University of Nigeria located in Nsukka, Nigeria. He has authored multiple manuscripts.
Impact of Corona Virus Pandemic on the Psychological State and Academic Success of Students
Author(s): Ndukwu Eric-Chima*, Igbo Janet N and Ndukwu Edith N
This study examines the effect of Corona virus pandemic on psychological state of students in south-Eastern Nigeria. Three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Ex-post facto research design was adopted to study a sample of 303 University students who accepted to be part of this study. One trial tested instrument with three clusters, covering; depression, anxiety and academic success was used for data collection. Data obtained with the instrument were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. The findings revealed that Corona virus pandemic has caused anxiety and depression to many students. It was also found that Covid-19 has a devastating effect on the psychological state and academic success of students. It was also discovered that Covid-19 has slightly different effect on males and females. Among other things, the educational im.. View More»