ISSN: 2311-3278
University of Toulouse, France
Extended Abstract
Environmental chemistry 2020 -Thermopressed Binderless Fiberboards from Post-HarvestTomato and Maize Plants- Philippe Evon-University of Toulouse
Author(s): Philippe Evon
Post-harvest tomato plants were accustomed manufacturefireboards by thermopressing. Four plant materials were investigated: exhausted tomato plants ground to 5-10 mm (PHTr), tomato (PHT) and maize (PHM) plants ground to <0.5 mm, composted tomato plants (CPHT). These materials had significantly different chemical composition, which significantly influenced the fireboards mechanical properties. The PHM fireboards containing the highest amount hemicellulose and water soluble sugars, and the lowest minerals‘ amount, performed best. The data allow estimating the role of each plant proximate in determining board mechanical behavior. Moreover, the f.. View More»