ISSN: 2329-8790
+44 1478 350008
Department of Pharmacology, Telangana, India
Mini Review
A Note on Erythrocytosis
Author(s): Prasanna Laxmi*
An erythrocytosis happens when there is an expanded red-cell mass. The reasons for erythrocytosis are separated into
essential, when there is a characteristic deformity in the erythroid cell, and auxiliary, when the reason is extraneous
to the erythroid cell. An idiopathic erythrocytosis happens when the expanded red-cell mass has no recognizable
reason. Essential and optional imperfections can be additionally named either inherent or procured causes. The
demonstrative pathway begins with a cautious history and assessment followed by estimation of the erythropoietin
(EPO) levels. This permits a division of those patients with a low EPO level, who would then be able to be researched
for essential drivers of erythrocytosis, and those with an ordinary or high EPO level, where the oxygen-detecting
pathway should be investigated further. Physiological examinations in t.. View More»