ISSN: 2167-0870
Department of Thoracic Surgery, IRCCS-CROB Centro Riferimento Oncologico Basilicata, Rionero In Vulture (PZ), Italy
Dr. Rita Daniela Marasco is currently working in Department of Thoracic Surgery, IRCCS-CROB Centro Riferimento Oncologico Basilicata, Rionero In Vulture (PZ), Italy. She has published numerous research papers and articles in reputed journals and has various other achievements in the related studies. She has extended her valuable service towards the scientific community with his extensive research work. Her other interests include Pleural Space Effect, Digital Chest Drains, VATS (awake uniportal thoracoscopy),VATS lobectomy, Extrapleural pneumonectomy with chemohypertemia, Chopin.
Research Article
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Lung Resection Following Video-Assisted
Mediastinoscopic Lymphadenectomy in the Cure of Non-Small Cell Lung
Author(s): Ahmed Abdelaziz Abdellatif*, Akram Allam, Samir Keshk, Abdelmaguid Ramadan, Walid Abuarab, Rita Daniela Marasco, Aniello Della Morte, Gabriella Giudice and Cosimo Lequaglie
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the technical feasibility and limitations of video-assisted mediastinoscopic
lymphadenectomy (VAMLA) followed by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomy and video-assisted
thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomy alone in treating patients with non-small cell lung cancer.
VATS lobectomy alone or following VAMLA is feasible and can be done with an acceptable safety profile under the
hands of specialized, highly trained and cooperating team working in a high volume center treating patients with lung
cancer. VAMLA followed by VATS lobectomy allowed the excision of more lymph nodes compared to the VATS
approach alone, suggesting that VAMLA is a good adjuvant to VATS lobectomy for complete radical mediastinal
lymphadenectomy for the surgical cure of non-small cell lung cancer patients.
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