ISSN: 2157-7048
Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan
Value Added Abstract
Influence of mechanical vibrations on the formation of hydrogels
Author(s): Essen N Suleimenov, R.Kh. Sharipov and U A Balgimbayeva
The choice of an aqueous solution of vanadium-5 oxide as an object for the study of self-organization processes is caused by several factors: 1. The ability of the solution to form hydrogels, as well as a number of systems of colloidal nature 2. The essential role of water as an independent active chemical component, capable of forming a wide range of compounds with vanadium-5 oxide 3. The study of such a system is of great importance from the point of view of practical applications. One of the most important technologies for which the processes of spontaneous colloid- and gel-formation are essential is the technology of obtaining metallic vanadium or its chemical compounds. The application of vibrations of different frequencies to an aqueous solution of vanadium pentoxide intensifies the process of gelation on metal probes. The lower the frequency of oscillations, the gelation proces.. View More»