ISSN: 2572-0775
Dr, Department of Pediatric,Faculty of Medicine, Ajdabiya University, Ajdabiya, Libya
Mini Review
Spectrum of Congenital Heart Diseases in Children with Down Syndrome in
Ajdaybia, Libya
Author(s): Rugea Mahmud Mahmmed*
Down syndrome: Is by far the most common and best known chromosomal disorder in humans.
Aim of study: T o def ine the fr eq uency and patt erns of congenit al hear t disease among childr en with down
syndrome in Ejdabyia North eastern of Libya.
Patients and methods: This is prospective descriptive study include all phenotypic down syndrome children referred
to Echo department at AL-Mugref Teaching Hospital, North eastern of Libya. Verbal consent was taken from
guardiants of all participants using GE Vivid S5 Echo Machine.
Results: Out of 813 cases 50 (6.1%) case were down syndrome included in our study. 29 (58%) them were female
and 21 (42%) were male with Female : Male ratio 1:3:1. 46 (92%) of cases have congenital heart disease. where 40
(87%) have single cardiac defect and th.. View More»