ISSN: 2150-3508
+44 1478 350008
Department of Okanagan Nation Alliance, West Bank, Canada
Ryan Benson has extended his valuable service for many years and has been a recipient of many award and grants. His international experience includes various programs, contributions and participation in different countries for diverse fields of study. His research interests reflect in his wide range of publications in various national and international journals.
Research Article
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Kokanee and Sockeye Salmon Spawners in a Stream Using Visual Survey Data, 2003-2017
Author(s): Marc Labelle, Richard Bussanich* and Ryan Benson
A Maximum Likelihood estimation procedure was developed for the joint assessment of resident kokanee and anadromous
sockeye salmon in the Okanagan River, British Columbia. The model uses visual survey counts and is an extension of other areaunder-
the type models used for estimation of salmon escapement. Alternative hypotheses were tried concerning observation error
structure, arrival times, and survival patterns for a common observer efficiency estimate. The final model is described here, with
information on setting bounds and constraints for parameter estimation, comparisons made and the results obtained. Estimates
of abundance and approximate confidence intervals are comparable to those obtained from other investigations. Since 2001,
Sockeye accounted from 6%-38% of the spawners, with no evidence from surveys and estimates to indicate kokanee are negatively
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