Journal of Pollution Effects & Control

Journal of Pollution Effects & Control
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4397

Saleem N

School of Humanities and Social Sciences, North China Electric Power University, Bei Nong Changping, P.R. China

  • Research Article   
    The Impact of Human Capital and Biocapacity on Environment: Environmental Quality Measure through Ecological Footprint and Greenhouse Gases
    Author(s): Saleem N*, Rahman SU and Jun Z

    It is important to note in growth-energy-environment nexus, the use of other environmental proxies like ecological footprint and greenhouse gases are getting more attention in recent years. Though carbon emission (CO2) has been mostly used to test the EKC hypothesis in the past years, it is irrational to capture the whole environmental degradation through CO2 emission only; as it is one pollutant indicator. This paper includes four proxies such as; ecological footprint (EF), carbon emission (CO2), Nitrous Oxide emission (N2O) and methane emission (CH4) to seizure the environmental quality. Thereby, this paper investigates the impact of human capital and biocapacity on the environment of BRICS economies by covering the period of 1991-2014. Empirical analysis of Kao, Westerlund, and Pedroni verify the presence of cointegration betwe.. View More»

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