ISSN: 2329-8731
+44 1300 500008
University Research Co, LLC (URC), Chevy Chase, MD, USA
Sharanya Joshi is working as MPH Candidate at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Senior Program Coordinator at University Research Co., LLC (URC). The core field of expertise is Public health and Medical Research.
Research Article
Key Strategies to Address Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: A Systematic Analysis
Author(s): Hala Jassim Al Mossawi, Neeraj Kak*, Colleen Longacre and Sharanya Joshi
Background: Given their unpredictable nature, their direct impact on human health, as well as their broader environmental,
economic, and societal impacts, emerging and reemerging infectious diseases (EIDs) require ongoing and sustained attention,
funding, and response from the global community. The purpose of this paper is to understand the institutional capacities
necessary to effectively respond to EIDs and highlight key strategies and potential points of intervention.
Methods: We undertook a systematic analysis of the existing literature to understand what an effective preparedness and
response framework for EIDs would look like. Using the Lancet Infectious Disease Journal and PubMed, we selected all
relevant results that described possible epidemic preparedness interventions or EID prevention and control strategies. We
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