ISSN: 2332-0915
Department of Sociology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria
Research Article
Motivations and Mechanisms of End-Of-Life Issues: the Reflections on the
Right to, and not to die among Yoruba, Nigeria
Author(s): Sola Aluko-Arowolo*, Akinmayá»wa Lawal, Isaac A. Adedeji and Ebun O. Oduwole
The study examines end-of-life issues: the right to, and not to die among Yoruba. End-of-life decision which could also be described as advance directive on euthanasia has assumed new dimensions due to the advancements in medical sciences. Euthanasia is a death that results from the intention of one person to kill another person, using the most gentle and painless means possible, for the presumed best interests of the person who dies. While progress has been made in this area, there is need for further, cultural, ethical and legal reflections into this topic especially in such areas as autonomous decision making, importance of advance directives, rationality of care in a supposedly futile treatments and costs involved in providing end-of-life care. The narration was situated to interrogate the types of euthanasia among the Yoruba Nigeria and the nature of compliance to generally accep.. View More»