Journal of Pharmacological Reports

Journal of Pharmacological Reports
Open Access


Taketoshi Hideshima

College of Arts and Sciences, J. F. Oberlin University, Tokyo, Japan

  • Short Communication   
    NADH and ATP Oscillations in Mitochondria
    Author(s): Taketoshi Hideshima*

    Oscillations of mitochondrial intermediates were investigated based on the idea that enzymatic oscillatory reactions are caused by the permeation of substrate through membrane. We found that both NADH and ATP oscillate in mitochondria as pyruvate enters with ADP gradually. Similarly, the gradual entry of NAD+ and malate along with ADP also resulted in NADH and ATP oscillations. At the same time, pH oscillations in mitochondria were also observed in both cases. Compared to the model experiments using dialysis membranes, it was found that the oscillatory reaction due to the gradual entry of pyruvate was inherited by both the citric acid cycle and the respiratory chain, ultimately causing ATP oscillation in oxidative phosphorylation. Furthermore, it was found that when NAD+ and malate were used instead of pyruvate, the oscillations of NADH and ATP occurred without g.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/JPR.22.6.131

    Abstract HTML PDF
