ISSN: 2161-0517
TGT biology, Jammu &Kashmir Sanik School, Mansbal, Jammu & Kashmir, India
Tanveer Ahmad Sofi has done masters in zoology and work as lecture in biological science in Jammu &Kashmir Sanik School, Manasbal, Jammu & Kashmir, India.area of expertise are Parasitology,Cytology
Possible Collaboration of Veterinarians and Medicos over the Fight against Covid-19 with “One-Health Approach”
Author(s): Omer Mohi U Din Sofi*, Tanveer Ahmad Sofi, Gulzar Badroo, Faizan Javid, Burhan Nabi and Amir Amin Sheikh
As of now, SARS CoV-2 has been identified as seventh human-infected coronavirus. Certain coronaviruses (CoVs)
include SARS-CoV, 229E, HKU1, OC43, NL63 and MERS-CoV, of which SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV are zoonotic
and have resulted in high-percentage outbreaks over the past two decades, while rest of them is typically associated
with mild upper respiratory diseases. On 11 March 2020 the WHO announced the situation to be a pandemic that
threatens humanity with a wide range. Of the new, bat and pangolins are thought to be the possible origins of SARSCoV-
2 inchoation. The COVID-19 pandemic is putting uneven stress on public health systems around the world. To
mitigate the impact of this rapidly spreading virus a multidisciplinary collaborative approach is needed.
Since all pandemic viruses that emerged in the last century originate in the animal world and the ongoi.. View More»