ISSN: 2593-9173
Department of Agricultural Research, Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Research Article
Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Measures and Soil Depths on Selected Soil Physico-Chemical Properties at Asera Watershed, Northern Ethiopia
Author(s): Alemtsehay Hagos*, Kehali Jembere and Tesfaye Feyisa
In Ethiopia, agriculture is expanding onto the most erosion sensitive sites. To protect these sites, the government
widely implemented Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) measures. However, the effects of these measures on soil
physicochemical properties are not well investigated and documented in most watersheds. This study was conducted
in Asera watershed, to investigate the effects of soil and water conservation measures on selected soil physicochemical
properties along soil depths on adjacent cultivated lands. The experimental design was randomized complete block
design. The treatments considered four soil and water conservation measures (Stone-Faced soil bund (SF), soil bund
stabilized with Besom Grasses (BG), Soil Bund (SB) and un-Conserved Croplands (C)) and three soil depths (0-15
cm, 16-30 cm and 31-45 cm) in factorial combinations, with three replications... View More»