ISSN: 2167-0870
Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
Dr. Timothy Kim is currently working in Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA. He has published numerous research papers and articles in reputed journals and has various other achievements in the related studies. He has extended his valuable service towards the scientific community with his extensive research work.
Research Article
Advances in Imaging Techniques for Disease Monitoring of High Grade Gliomas during Immunotherapy
Author(s): Timothy Kim, Dimitrios Mathios, Siddhartha Srivastava and Michael Lim*
In general, high grade gliomas have a dismal prognosis. However, recent advances in disease classification, surgical
treatment, and adjuvant therapy have increased the overall survival of this patient population. While a significant
number of resources is used to improve treatment for high grade gliomas, there are few advancements in technology
development towards an accurate non-invasive assessment of response to these therapeutic modalities. The advent of
new treatment modalities and especially the increasing number of immunotherapy clinical trials for high grade
gliomas necessitate the development of new approaches for accurate and timely assessment of treatment response in
brain tumors. Conventional MRI assessment of response to immunotherapy is inadequate to guide treatment leading
to a high number of surgical procedures for definitive assessment. In this rev.. View More»