Drug Designing: Open Access

Drug Designing: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0138

Vikas N. Telvekar

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India


Dr.Vikas N. Telvekar is currently working at Bioengineering Department. Dr. is research interests includes Pharmacy in Computer aided drug design. Dr. serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. Dr. has authored of many research articles/books related to Medicine.

  • Research   
    In Silico Studies for Design and Development of Inhibitor against COVID-19
    Author(s): Akshata R. Pahelkar, Pritam V. Bagwe, Khushboo Maurya, Nikhil R. Pahelkar, Shreerang V. Joshi and Vikas N. Telvekar*

    Aim: The COVID-19 pandemic as declared by WHO, reported its first case in Wuhan, Hunei province, China. The infections have now been widespread and as of 30th March 2020, 6, 93,224 infection cases and 33,106 deaths have been reported worldwide. This is an international concern related to public health. Several research studies are being carried on around the world to amid the crises. Various treatment and prevention hypothesis regarding vaccine development, repurposing of drugs along with development of new chemical entities are under investigation. COVID-19 is a virus from the coronavirus family of viruses of beta genus. It has similarity with the SARS-CoV which was reported earlier. We plan to propose a scaffold for designing peptide derived specific inhibitor against COVID-19. Methods: Our strategy involves d.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2169-0138.21.10.171

    Abstract HTML PDF
