ISSN: 2593-9173
Department of Agricultural Economics, Kabridahar University, Kabridahar, Ethiopia
Research Article
Farmers Perception and Adoption of Row Planting Technology of Teff: The Case of Dera Woreda, South Gondar Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Author(s): Wubaye Tega*, Mulugeta Tadesse, Debesay Kidanie and Melese Asmare
In the context of Ethiopia, agriculture specifically crop production takes a lion’s share of the economy. Although, supporting this sector through introducing new agricultural technologies, like row planting, boost production. Utilization of this improved technology remained very low in Ethiopia. This study aimed to analyze determinants of row planting technology adoption, intensity of the adoption and perception towards row planting technology by using cross sectional data collected through structured interview schedule from 201 sampled respondents. The Tobit model was used to analyze determinants and intensity of adoption and Ordered Probit model was used to analyze the perception of producers toward row planting technology. The estimated result showed that: sex, education, household size, off-farm activity, training about row planting, and participation of on-farm trials were.. View More»