ISSN: 2161-1017
+44 1478 350008
Physiology Unit, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Institute of Health, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
Oxidative Stress and Carcinogenic Effect of Formaldehyde Exposure: Systematic Review & Analysis
Author(s): Solomon Tesfaye*, Niguse Hamba, Asfaw Gerbi and Zenebe Negeri
Background: Evaporation of formaldehyde from embalmed cadavers cause terrific systemic hazards, from which the
most frequently reported, is respiratory and testicular symptoms. Day-dependent exposure to formaldehyde can cause
contact dermatitis, congenital defects like low birth weight and isolated heart disease, cytotoxicity in the respiratory
tract in the form of acute lung injury, nasal obstruction, pulmonary edema, and cancer. The histopathologic and
morphometric alterations in testis have a strong link with exposure duration periods and highly linked to decrease
the function of both sertoli and leydig cells. Several findings ensured such exposure significantly causes and triggers
tremendous health effects, but a conclusive review of findings and recommendations related to its oxidative stress
and carcinogenic potential on multiple study subje.. View More»