ISSN: 2167-1044
Department of Comprehensive Nursing, School of Nursing, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia
Dr. Zewdu Baye Tezera is currently working at the Department of Comprehensive Nursing established under the School of Nursing, College of Medicine and Health Sciences affiliated to University of Gondar located Ethiopia. He has published many manuscripts and attended the conferences.
Depression in Adults with a Physical Disability; An Institution Based Cross Sectional Study
Author(s): Daniel Ayelegne Gebeyehu*, Dessalegn Negaa and Zewdu Baye Tezera
Background: Depressions in person with physical disabilities are three times more common than in the general population. In Ethiopia, there are an estimated 15 million persons with disabilities. Despite the high burden of disability, very little is known about it; for this reason, the current study aimed at determining the magnitude of depression and its associated factors among adults with a physical disability.
Methods: The study is a cross-sectional type conducted on individuals with a physical disability registered in Gondar physical disability’s rehabilitation and vocational center. All individuals with a physical disability attending the rehabilitation center were enrolled in the study. Face to face interview technique was used to evaluate the existence of depression and its determinants. In this study, the Beck Depression Inventor.. View More»