Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access

Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0501


Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access has got h-index 15, which means every article in Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Total published articles

35 37 0 26 16 9 28 16

Conference proceedings

0 0 8 0 0 0 59 50

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

246 366 431 398 377 283 225 199
Journal total citations count 3011
Journal impact factor 0.67*
Journal 5 years impact factor 29.63
Journal cite score 22.05
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2019 13
Important citations (271)

Burnatowska-hledin ma, barney cc (2014) new insights into the mechanism for vacm-1/cul5 expression in vascular tissue in vivo. int rev cell mol biol 313: 101.

Zhang j, wang f (2014) a survey and a molecular dynamics study on the (central) hydrophobic region of prion proteins. curr pharmaceut biotechnol 15: 1026-1048.

Zhou y, zhou sx, gao l, li xa (2016) regulation of cd40 signaling in colon cancer cells and its implications in clinical tissues. cancer immunol immunother 65: 919-929.

Furue m, tsuji g, mitoma c, nakahara t, chiba t,et al. (2015) gene regulation of filaggrin and other skin barrier proteins via aryl hydrocarbon receptor. journal of dermatological science 80: 83-88.

Umoren eb, obembe ao, osim ee (2015) influence of nevirapine on gastrointestinal function. j gastrointest dig syst 5: 2.

Oladipo ek, afolabi ay, omomowo io, oloke jk, awoyelu eh(2016) histological and biochemical markers of the liver of male wistar rats on oral administration of nevirapine suspension. afr j clin exp microbiol 17: 53-61.

Umoren eb, obembe ao (2014) intestinal fluid and glucose transport in albino wistar rats following long term administration of nevirapine. j antivir antiretrovir 6: 057-063.

Zhangab j (2016) mathematical formulas for prion all cross-β structures listed in the protein data bank.

Luo q, sun y, jin b, zheng w, shao f (2014) iguratimod synergizes with methotrexate to exert anti-inflammatory and bone-protective effect and block the progression of collagen-induced arthritis in mice. biochem pharmacol 3: 2167-0501.

Chávez-fumagalli ma, schneider ms, lage dp, machado-de-Ávila ra, coelho ea (2017) an in silico functional annotation and screening of potential drug targets derived from leishmania spp. hypothetical proteins identified by immunoproteomics. experimental parasitology.

Mahmood ms, ashraf nm, bilal m, ashraf f, hussain a,et al. (2016) in silico structural and functional characterization of a hypothetical protein of vaccinia virus. j biochem biotechnol biomat 28-35.

Dos santos lopes n, conde be, fonseca as, macedo al, campos bc (2016) medicina complementar e alternativa no contexto da ayurveda e da medicina popular no brasil. biológicas saúde 6.

Zabłocka-słowińska k, porebska i, gołecki m (2015) dietary habits of lung cancer patients from the lower silesia region of poland. contemp oncol (pozn) 19: 391-395.

Madhusudhan l (2016) organic farming-ecofriendly agriculture. j ecosys ecograph 6: 2.

Sibero mt, tarman k, hanif n (2016) characterization and photoprotector activity of endophytic fungal pigments from coastal plant sarang semut (hydnophytum formicarum). j pengolahan hasil perikanan indonesia 19: 1-8.

Sibero mt, tarman k, hanif n (2016) karakterisasi dan aktivitas fotoprotektor pigmen kapang endofit asal tumbuhan pesisir sarang semut (hydnophytum formicarum) characterization and photoprotector activity of endophytic fungal pigments from coatal plant sarang semut (hydnophytum formicarum). 19: 1-8

Sibero mt (2015) ekstraksi, karakterisasi dan uji aktivitas fotoprotektor pigmen kapang endofit asal tumbuhan pesisir sarang semut.

Widhalm jr, rhodes d (2016) biosynthesis and molecular actions of specialized 1, 4-naphthoquinone natural products produced by horticultural plants. horticulture research 3: 16046.

Singh m, singh vp, prasad sm (2016) responses of photosynthesis, nitrogen and proline metabolism to salinity stress in solanum lycopersicum under different levels of nitrogen supplementation. plant physiol biochem 109: 72-83.

Singh m, singh a, prasad sm, singh rk (2017) regulation of plants metabolism in response to salt stress: an omics approach. acta physiologiae plantarum 39: 48.
