Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology has got h-index 28, which means every article in Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology has got 28 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | |
Total published articles |
35 | 38 | 2 | 97 | 15 | 10 | 25 | 39 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 115 | 128 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
411 | 515 | 605 | 682 | 590 | 500 | 446 | 328 |
Journal total citations count | 4692 |
Journal impact factor | 0.67 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 10.10 |
Journal cite score | 14.58 |
Journal h-index | 28 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 24 |
Important citations (493)
Sheriff mz, botre c, mansouri m, nounou h, nounou m, karim mn. process monitoring using data-based fault detection techniques: comparative studies. infault diagnosis and detection 2017 may 31 (pp. 237-261). intech. |
Johnson ai, ogwu ce, agabue pk, yunana d, bachi fm, desire oa. adsorption kinetics of toxic metals from brewery waste water using adsorbent prepared from borassus aethiopum. |
Mansouri m, nounou mn, nounou hn. improved statistical fault detection technique and application to biological phenomena modeled by s-systems. ieee transactions on nanobioscience. 2017 jul 12;16(6):504-12. |
Uddin mk, mashkoor f, alarifi im, nasar a. simple one-step synthesis process of novel mos2@ bentonite magnetic nanocomposite for efficient adsorption of crystal violet from aqueous solution. materials research bulletin. 2021 jul 1;139:111279. |
Harkat mf, mansouri m, nounou m, nounou h. enhanced data validation strategy of air quality monitoring network. environmental research. 2018 jan 1;160:183-94. |
Mansouri m, al-khazraji a, hajji m, harkat mf, nounou h, nounou m. wavelet optimized ewma for fault detection and application to photovoltaic systems. solar energy. 2018 jun 1;167:125-36. |
Sheriff mz, mansouri m, karim mn, nounou h, nounou m. fault detection using multiscale pca-based moving window glrt. journal of process control. 2017 jun 1;54:47-64. |
Liu h, hadjltaief hb, benzina m, gálvez me, da costa p. natural clay based nickel catalysts for dry reforming of methane: on the effect of support promotion (la, al, mn). international journal of hydrogen energy. 2019 jan 1;44(1):246-55. |
Huangal s, cieza jl, gil a. separación electrostática de una emulsión de glicerina en biodiésel con aplicación de varios voltajes y distancias entre electrodos. información tecnológica. 2019 oct;30(5):231-8. |
Zaporozhets y, batechko n, shostak s, shkoda n, dibrivna e. features of mathematical modeling of electromagnetic processing of bulk materials. eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies. 2020 jun 30;3(5):105. |
Raboanatahiry n, li h, yu l, li m. rapeseed (brassica napus): processing, utilization, and genetic improvement. agronomy. 2021 sep;11(9):1776. |
Kahaleras m, remadnia m, kachi m, nadjem a. semolina extraction from wheat bran using an electro?separation process. journal of food processing and preservation. 2021 apr;45(4):e15352. |
Maragkidou a, arar s, al-hunaiti a, ma y, harrad s, jaghbeir o, faouri d, hämeri k, hussein t. occupational health risk assessment and exposure to floor dust pahs inside an educational building. science of the total environment. 2017 feb 1;579:1050-6. |
Yopa ep, rudi k, nelly w, thami z, lucian d. application of electrostatic separation for plastic waste management in indonesia: a review and prospectus. |
Zhang g, xie g, wang j, si l, guo d, wen s, yang f. controlled friction behaviors of porous copper/graphite storing ionic liquid through electrical stimulation. advanced engineering materials. 2018 may;20(5):1700866. |
Lampoh k, mayer-laigle c, rouau x, delenne jy. numerical modeling of triboelectric separation: application to vegetal powders. inpowders and granular materials challenges and future trends 2019 jun 6. |
Zierhut ej, battisti r, machado ra, marangoni c. distributed control strategy with smith's predictor in a pilot?scale diabatic distillation unit. chemical engineering & technology. 2020 sep;43(9):1884-96. |
Silventoinen p. dry fractionation and functionalisation of cereal side streams for their improved food applicability. |
Mayer-laigle c, haurie ibarra l, breysse a, palumbo m, mabille f, lacasta palacio am, barron c. preserving the cellular tissue structure of maize pith though dry fractionation processes: a key point to use as insulating agro-materials. materials. 2021 jan;14(18):5350. |
Cancelli u, montevecchi g, masino f, mayer-laigle c, rouau x, antonelli a. grape stalk: a first attempt to disentangle its fibres via electrostatic separation. food and bioproducts processing. 2020 nov 1;124:455-68. |