Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology

Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9899

Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology has got h-index 42, which means every article in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology has got 42 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total published articles

44 31 30 59 28 11 35 56 95 105 101 105 64 15 3

Research, Review articles and Editorials

2 13 8 23 18 8 25 35 54 86 79 35 23 14 3

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

20 18 22 22 10 3 10 21 39 6 9 7 1 1 0

Conference proceedings

5 26 15 6 0 98 178 206 171 160 195 156 74 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

685 826 933 1082 1017 972 870 851 754 550 276 145 43 40 0
Journal total citations count 8361
Journal impact factor 24.12
Journal 5 years impact factor 31.14
Journal cite score 30.45
Journal h-index 42
Journal h-index since 2019 32
Important citations (1511)

stanisavljević s, lukić j, soković s, mihajlovic s, stojković mm, et al. (2016) correlation of gut microbiota composition with resistance to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in rats. front microbiol.

nacka-aleksić m, stojić-vukanić z, pilipović i, vujnović i, bufan b, et al. (2017) strain specificities in cellular and molecular immunopathogenic mechanisms underlying development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in aged rats. mech ageing dev.

tolaifeh za, naher hs, alhattab mk (2016) interleukin 10, tumor necrosis factor α, and interferon É£ levels in herpes zoster patients in babylon–iraq. int j pharmtech res 10: 290-298.

afreen rg (2016) paediatric vitiligo: a review. research and reviews: journal of medical and health sciences 5: 1-7.

paiatto ln, silva fg, bier j, brochetto-braga mr, yamada át, et al. (2017) oral tolerance induced by ova intake ameliorates tnbs-induced colitis in mice. plos one 12: e0170205.

tzeng sj (2016) the isolation, differentiation, and quantification of human antibody-secreting b cells from blood: elispot as a functional readout of humoral immunity. j vis exp 14: e54582.

tzeng sj (2016) the isolation, differentiation, and quantification of human antibody-secreting b cells from blood: elispot as a functional readout of humoral immunity. j vis exp 14: e54582.

cardamone g, paraboschi em, rimoldi v, duga s, soldà g, et al. (2017) the characterization of gsdmb splicing and backsplicing profiles identifies novel isoforms and a circular rna that are dysregulated in multiple sclerosis. int j mol sci 18: 576.

bradley t, yang g, ilkayeva o, holl tm, zhang r, et al. (2016) hiv-1 envelope mimicry of host enzyme kynureninase does not disrupt tryptophan metabolism. j immunol 197: 4663-4673.

levin mc, lee s, gardner la, shin y, douglas jn, et al. (2016) autoantibodies to heterogeneous nuclear ribonuclear protein a1 (hnrnpa1) cause altered ‘ribostasis’ and neurodegeneration; the legacy of ham/tsp as a model of progressive multiple sclerosis. j neuroimmunol.

douglas jn, gardner la, salapa he, lalor sj, lee s, et al. (2016) antibodies to the rna-binding protein hnrnp a1 contribute to neurodegeneration in a model of central nervous system autoimmune inflammatory disease. j neuroinflamm 13: 178.

subrahmanyam v, jalli sh (2016) food intake and its effect: a gastroenterology study in usa. research & reviews in biosciences 11.

hamilton c, tan l, miethke t, anand pk (2017) immunity to uropathogens: the emerging roles of inflammasomes. nat rev urol.

hughes fm, hill hm, wood cm, edmondson at, dumas a, et al. (2016) the nlrp3 inflammasome mediates inflammation produced by bladder outlet obstruction. j urol 195: 1598-1605.

akbaş‐ŞimÅŸek t, onat a, kaya a, tusun e, yüksel h, et al. (2016) sex‐dependent independent prediction of incident diabetes by depressive symptoms. int j geriatr psychiatry.

onat a (2016) breastfeeding: a bystander marker of improvement in multiparity-induced cardiometabolic disease risk? eur j prev cardiol 23: 1751-1754.

altay s, onat a, kaya a, tusun e (2016) modulators of j-shaped association of hba1c levels with mortality in adults. cardiology 135: 50-51.

lee g, chu ra, ting hh (2009) preclinical assessment of anti-cancer drugs by using rp215 monoclonal antibody. cancer biol ther 8: 161-166.

morita t, shima y, wing jb, sakaguchi s, ogata a, et al. (2016) the proportion of regulatory t cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis. plos one 11: e0162306.

su jr, kuai jh, li yq (2016) smoc2 potentiates proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells via promotion of cell cycle progression. world j gastroenterol 22: 10053.
