Clinical & Experimental Cardiology

Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9880

+44 1300 500008

Clinical & Experimental Cardiology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Clinical & Experimental Cardiology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Clinical & Experimental Cardiology has got h-index 14, which means every article in Clinical & Experimental Cardiology has got 14 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Clinical & Experimental Cardiology.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total published articles

56 111 60 56 72 27 53 76 88 61 73 136 96 61 13

Research, Review articles and Editorials

6 9 6 24 42 20 39 53 59 39 52 99 75 38 9

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

44 102 54 32 30 7 14 23 29 22 21 37 21 23 4

Conference proceedings

18 25 41 43 3 49 398 389 515 204 157 126 26 33 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

143 212 54 63 88 70 62 294 304 211 147 75 29 93 0
Journal total citations count 2980
Journal impact factor 1.05
Journal 5 years impact factor 1.27
Journal cite score 1.34
Journal h-index 14
Journal h-index since 2019 9
Important citations (1711)

nurmalia ps, imam bw. correlation of monocyte count, mlr and nlcr with presepsin level in sirs. indonesian journal of clinical pathology and medical laboratory. 2016 oct 16;22(3):212-8.

febriana s, nurulita a, bahrun u. penilaian uji troponin i dengan point of care testing. indonesian journal of clinical pathology and medical laboratory. 2016 oct 16;22(2):114-8.

Shanmugam nr, muthukumar s, chaudhry s, anguiano j, prasad s. ultrasensitive nanostructure sensor arrays on flexible substrates for multiplexed and simultaneous electrochemical detection of a panel of cardiac biomarkers. biosensors and bioelectronics. 2017 mar 15;89:764-72.

abdalla g, elshafei a, el-motaal oa, salman t, elboquiry ae. copeptin, a novel neuropeptide in acute myocardial infarction.

prabhu a, sudha k, kumar ak, pandey rk. inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in acute myocardial infarction. www. biomedicineonline. org. 2016;36(1):21.

Yun s, ryu h, lee ek. immunomagnetic separation of human myeloperoxidase using an antibody-mimicking peptide identified by phage display. journal of biotechnology. 2017 sep 10;257:118-21.

mythili s, malathi n. diagnostic markers of acute myocardial infarction (review). biomedical reports. 2015 nov 1;3(6):743-8.

Lynch tl, sadayappan s. surviving the infarct: a profile of cardiac myosin binding protein?c pathogenicity, diagnostic utility, and proteomics in the ischemic myocardium. proteomics–clinical applications. 2014 aug;8(7-8):569-77.

Lee sr, choi ek. where is the lead? inappropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator shock caused by extreme twiddling. international journal of arrhythmia. 2016 dec 31;17(4):227-30.

Choi md. where is the lead? inappropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator shock caused by extreme twiddling.

Roussel e, drolet mc, walsh-wilkinson e, dhahri w, lachance d, gascon s, sarrhini o, rousseau ja, lecomte r, couet j, arsenault m. transcriptional changes associated with long-term left ventricle volume overload in rats: impact on enzymes related to myocardial energy metabolism. biomed research international. 2015 oct 25;2015.

Dhahri w, drolet mc, roussel e, couet j, arsenault m. chronic high-fat diet-induced obesity decreased survival and increased hypertrophy of rats with experimental eccentric hypertrophy from chronic aortic regurgitation. bmc cardiovascular disorders. 2014 dec;14(1):1-1.

Lachance d, dhahri w, drolet mc, roussel É, gascon s, sarrhini o, rousseau ja, lecomte r, arsenault m, couet j. endurance training or beta-blockade can partially block the energy metabolism remodeling taking place in experimental chronic left ventricle volume overload. bmc cardiovascular disorders. 2014 dec;14(1):1-1.

Arsenault m, zendaoui a, roussel É, drolet mc, dhahri w, grenier a, gascon s, sarrhini o, rousseau ja, lecomte r, couet j. angiotensin ii–converting enzyme inhibition improves survival, ventricular remodeling, and myocardial energetics in experimental aortic regurgitation. circulation: heart failure. 2013 sep;6(5):1021-8.

lucas ik. antileishmanielle aktivität und zytotoxisches potential von resveratrol (doctoral dissertation, freie universität berlin).

ÄŒerkez habek j. “anti-aging” medicina: suvremene spoznaje i implementacija u svakodnevni život u cilju očuvanja zdravlja. radovi zavoda za znanstvenoistraživački i umjetnički rad u bjelovaru. 2013 nov 13(7):189-211.

vinet r, álvarez r, knox m, guzman l. bioactividad y potencial terapéutico de resveratrol y derivados sobre el sistema cardiovascular.

pastor fa. avaliação dos efeitos da hidroxiapatita e do resveratrol sobre o tecido ósseo de ratos contaminados com acetato de chumbo.

warren b. living a real life with real food: how to get healthy, lose weight, and stay energized the kosher way. regnery publishing; 2014 feb 4.

warren b. living a real life with real food: how to get healthy, lose weight, and stay energized the kosher way. regnery publishing; 2014 feb 4.
