Research Article
An Effective Technique for Improving Orbital Contour
Joao Vitor Moraes Pithon-Napoli*, Gabriela Ducioni Matos, Mariana Pedrazzi Moretti, Mariana Custódio Vicentini
ISSN: 2155-9554
+44 1478 350008
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NLM ID: 101574132
Index Copernicus Value: 86.87
Dermatology is a discipline of medical science that deals with the dermal, skin diseases and associated treatment regime. Clinical practises in relation to dermatology embrace several sub disciplines including dermatitis, cosmetic dermatology, dermatopathology, immunodermatology, pediatric dermatology, cutaneous lymphoma, lesions, melanoma, blisters etc. The increase environmental concerns, radiations are directly or indirectly impacting the different layers of skin. Owing to the importance of each sub discipline the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research renders a common platform for the discussion of various important issues which may be helpful for the Dermatologists, clinicians, medical practitioners, patients, researchers, faculty members and students.
The Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research is an open access, peer-reviewed, academic journal covering diversified aspects within the discipline containing disease conditions such as psoriasis, acne, skin cancer, atopic dermatitis (eczema), shingles (herpes zoster), rosacea, oral pemphigus vulgaris, oral pemphigoid, scars, rosacea, sports associated dermal diseases such as exercise induced vasculitis, golfers vasculitis, chronic folliculitis, bullous pemphigoid, median raphe cyst, acral melanoma, trichostasis spinulosa, angiosarcomas (AS), pilomatrix carcinoma, psoriasis, lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei (LMDF). Different treatment regime, such as, subcutaneous testosterone, zinc, skin care and hair loss etc. will be considered under the scope of the journal. Best quality articles are expected to maintain the standard of the journal and to achieve dermatology Journals high impact factor. This journal renders an excellent platform for the authors and readers to share important scientific information comprehensively on the relevant topics in the form of original research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc.
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Research Article
Joao Vitor Moraes Pithon-Napoli*, Gabriela Ducioni Matos, Mariana Pedrazzi Moretti, Mariana Custódio Vicentini