Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology has got h-index 80, which means every article in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology has got 80 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total published articles

31 35 39 73 66 52 67 74 116 120 64 78 78 90 15

Research, Review articles and Editorials

14 19 21 49 28 28 43 44 77 68 43 64 53 63 10

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

11 6 13 24 38 24 24 30 39 52 21 14 25 27 5

Conference proceedings

25 13 3 65 19 65 274 261 443 128 111 69 21 19 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

1294 1511 1829 1912 1898 1452 1390 1420 1404 1247 1043 998 748 734 501
Journal total citations count 22328
Journal impact factor 4.57
Journal 5 years impact factor 28.26
Journal cite score 25.08
Journal h-index 80
Journal h-index since 2019 47
Important citations (627)

vaseem k, baig vn, rai p, swarnkar m (2015) awareness of eye diseases and satisfaction for eye care services in indore, india. nat j community med 6: 370-373.

medhi jp, dandapat s (2016) an effective fovea detection and automatic assessment of diabetic maculopathy in color fundus images. comput biol med 74: 30-44.

vega a, brown d (2011) systems of innovation, multidisciplinarity and methodological pluralism: a realist approach to guide the future of information systems research and practice. in: chiasson m, henfridsson o, karsten h, degross j (eds.), researching the future in information systems. springer, boston, pp: 249-268.

schiller ph, tehovnik ej (2015) vision and the visual system. oxford university press, usa.

buckley jg, pacey ie, panesar gk, andrew s, barrett bt (2015) prehension of a flanked target in individuals with amblyopiaprehension of a flanked target in amblyopes. invest ophthalmol visual sci 56: 7568-7580.

fergo c, burcharth j, pommergaard hc, rosenberg j (2016) age is highly associated with stereo blindness among surgeons: a cross-sectional study. surgical endoscopy 30: 4889-4894.

niechwiej-szwedo e, goltz hc, chandrakumar m, wong am (2014) effects of strabismic amblyopia and strabismus without amblyopia on visuomotor behavior: iii. temporal eye–hand coordination during reachingeye–hand coordination in strabismic amblyopia. invest ophthalmol visual sci 55: 7831-7838.

read jc, begum sf, mcdonald a, trowbridge j (2013) the binocular advantage in visuomotor tasks involving tools. iperception 4: 101-110.

grant s, suttle c, melmoth dr, conway ml, sloper jj (2014) age-and stereovision-dependent eye–hand coordination deficits in children with amblyopia and abnormal binocularitystereovision-dependent eye–hand coordination. invest ophthalmol visual sci 55: 5687-701.

ross m (2015) 3d cinema: optical illusions and tactile experiences. springer, berlin.

varsha kr (2016) varsha kr (2016) how it's done-forensic toxicology studies. j pharmacol toxicol studies.4

chen m, lechner j, zhao j, toth l, hogg r, et al. (2016) stat3 activation in circulating monocytes contributes to neovascular age-related macular degeneration. curr mol med 16: 412-423.

jiang k, cao s, cui jz, matsubara ja (2013) immuno-modulatory effect of ifn-gamma in amd and its role as a possible target for therapy. j clin exp ophthalmol s6: 007.

crabb jw (2014) the proteomics of drusen. cold spring harb perspect med 4: a017194

lin t, walker gb, kurji k, fang e, law g, et al. (2013) parainflammation associated with advanced glycation endproduct stimulation of rpe in vitro: implications for age-related degenerative diseases of the eye. cytokine 62: 369-81.

liu rt, wang a, to e, gao j, cao s, et al. (2014) vinpocetine inhibits amyloid-beta induced activation of nf-kb, nlrp3 inflammasome and cytokine production in retinal pigment epithelial cells. exp eye res 127: 49-58.

cao s, walker gb, wang x, cui jz, matsubara ja (2013) altered cytokine profiles of human retinal pigment epithelium: oxidant injury and replicative senescence. mol vis 19: 718-728.

Harkin dg, foyn l, bray lj, sutherland aj, li fj, et al. (2015) concise reviews: can mesenchymal stromal cells differentiate into corneal cells? a systematic review of published data. stem cells 33: 785-791.

Sauter mm, brandt cr (2016) primate neural retina upregulates il-6 and il-10 in response to a herpes simplex vector suggesting the presence of a pro-/anti-inflammatory axis. experimental eye research 148: 12-23.

Echevarria fd, rickman ae, sappington rm (2016) interleukin-6: a constitutive modulator of glycoprotein 130, neuroinflammatory and cell survival signaling in retina. journal of clinical & cellular immunology 7.
